Universität Bonn

Institute of Computer Science

Application for the Master's Program

This page explains the admission criteria and application procedures for the Master of Science programms in Computer Science and Cyber Security. The application procedure for the Master of Education (teaching degree) is explained on the website of the Bonner Zentrum für Lehrerbildung.

Required Prior Knowledge and Skills

Our master's degree programs are consecutive degree programs. They build on the curricula of our German-language bachelor's degree programs. We expect all applicants to have a sound knowledge of all compulsory subjects of the corresponding bachelor's degree program (Informatik or Cyber Security). In particular, the following prior knowledge is required to successfully complete our master's programs:

For our Computer Science program, the content of, for example, "Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein is absolutely essential. For the Cyber Security program, about half of it is.

You should be able to design reasonably large software in any one object-oriented language (for example, C++ or Java), know how to use basic tools such as IDEs (for example, Eclipse) and versioning systems (for example, SVN).

For our Master's degree program in Cyber Security, you should be able to evaluate technical and organisational aspects of IT systems as well as assess the human-friendly, secure operation of such systems.

You should have solid foundations in calculus, linear algebra and probability. New students are advised to study the relevant lectures at the MIT OpenCourseWare.

You should know how to find scientific literature, know how to tell reliable sources from unrealiable sources, know what standards scientific reports (as opposed to, say, executive summaries) should adhere to, and know how to write a well-structured text of more than a couple of pages.  

If some of this material is new to you, you may need to read up. If much of this material is new to you, it might become hard to succeed in our Master's programms.

Quick Guide: Are You Eligible?

To be admitted to the Master's degree program in Computer Science or Cyber Security, you must fulfil a number of requirements. It is often difficult to check these yourself. Below we have collected tips for common categories of applicants. Please click on everything that applies to you. Do you have or will you have:

For admission to the Master's program Computer Science, you fulfil most requirements automatically. You only need to provide proof of your English language skills.

For admission to the Master's degree program in Cyber Security, you must complete, in addition to the compulsory part of your bachelor's program, four of the following elective modules:

  • IT-Sicherheit
  • Usable Security and Privacy
  • Reaktive Sicherheit
  • Grundlagen der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion
  • Netzwerksicherheit
  • Moderne Kryptographie und Ihre Anwendung
  • Angewandte Binäranalyse
  • Digitale Forensik

Admission is also possible with IT-Sicherheit, Usable Security and Privacy and only one other module of this list. You must also provide proof of your English language skills. Note that the Master's program Cyber Security has a selection procedure. Even if you fulfil all requirements, we cannot guarantee that you are admitted.

To fulfil the admission requirements for our Master's program, you must complete a mathematics module of at least 9 ECTS in addition to your Informatik-Lehramt program. We recommend one of these modules from the offerings of the Mathematical Institute:

  • Lineare Algebra
  • Analysis

You must also provide proof of your English language skills and, depending on your desired master's program, you must complete certain electives in your bachelor's program.

For admissions to the Master's program Computer Science that would be a module of Theoretical Computer Science of at least 6 ECTS. We recommend one of the following:

  • Algorithmen und Berechnungskomplexität II
  • Lineare und ganzzahlige Optmierung
  • Einführung in die diskrete Mathematik
  • Grundlagen der algorithmischen Geometrie
  • Algorithmische Grundlagen des maschinellen Lernens
  • Graphenalgorithmen

For admission to the Master's program Cyber Security you must complete, in addition to the compulsory module IT-Sicherheit, two of the following elective modules:

  • Usable Security and Privacy
  • Reaktive Sicherheit
  • Netzwerksicherheit
  • Moderne Kryptographie und Ihre Anwendung
  • Angewandte Binäranalyse
  • Digitale Forensik

Admission is also possible with Usable Security and Privacy alone. Note, however, that the Master's program Cyber Security has a selection procedure. Even if you fulfil all requirements, we cannot guarantee that you are admitted.

For admission to the Master's program Cyber Security, you fulfil most requirements automatically. You only need to provide proof of your English language skills. Note, however, that the Master's program Cyber Security has a selection procedure. Even if you fulfil all requirements, we cannot guarantee that you are admitted.

For admission to the Master's degree program in Computer Science, you must complete, in addition to the compulsory part of your bachelor's program, another module in Theoretical Computer Science of at least 6 ECTS. We recommend one of the following modules:

  • Algorithmen und Berechnungskomplexität II
  • Lineare und ganzzahlige Optmierung
  • Einführung in die diskrete Mathematik
  • Grundlagen der algorithmischen Geometrie
  • Algorithmische Grundlagen des maschinellen Lernens
  • Graphenalgorithmen

You must also provide proof of your English language skills.

For admission to the Master's degree program in Computer Science, you must complete, in addition to the compulsory part of your bachelor's program, another module in Theoretical Computer Science of at least 6 ECTS. We recommend one of the following modules:

  • Algorithmen und Berechnungskomplexität II
  • Lineare und ganzzahlige Optmierung
  • Einführung in die diskrete Mathematik
  • Grundlagen der algorithmischen Geometrie
  • Algorithmische Grundlagen des maschinellen Lernens
  • Graphenalgorithmen

You also need 18 credit points in foundations of Programming, Software Development and Information Systems. We recommend a selection from the following modules:

  • Algorithmen und Programmierung (9 ECTS)
  • Datenzentrierte Informatik (6 ECTS); possibly followed by Relationale Datenbanken (6 ECTS) or Einführung in die Data Science (6 ECTS)
  • Einführung in die Computergrafik und Visualisierung (9 ECTS)
  • Grundlagen der künstlichen Intelligenz (9 ECTS); possibly followed by Intelligente Sehsysteme (6 ECTS)
  • Computational Intelligence (6 ECTS)
  • Grundlagen der IT-Sicherheit (9 ECTS); possibly followed by Usable Security and Privacy (9 ECTS) or Moderne Kryptografie und ihre Anwendung (6 ECTS)
  • Algorithmische Grundlagen des maschinellen Lernens (9 ECTS)
  • Einführung in Deep Learning für Visual Computing (6 ECTS)
  • Medizinische Bildanalyse (6 ECTS)

Please have any other solutions checked in good time.

You must also provide proof of your English language skills.

Do you want to be admitted to the Master's degree program in Computer Science? Then you should check your transcript to see if you have a module whose name includes "Theoretical Computer Science", "Theory of Computation", "Automata", "Languages and Machines", "Computational Complexity", "Quantum Computing" or "Advanced(!) Algorithms". If this is the case, then that is a good start. For applicants without any such module on their transcript, experience shows that the probability of being admitted to the Master's program in Computer Science is around 0.00, because they usually do not have enough previous training in Theoretical Computer Science.

Do you want to be admitted to the Master's degree program in Cyber Security? Then you should check your transcript to see if you have at least three modules specifically on topics of IT Security. If this is the case, then that is not always enough, but it is at least a good start. If you do not have at least three modules on IT Security, your chances of being admitted are practically zero.

Whether you can be admitted to our Master's program depends, above all, on whether you have enough computer science in your bachelor's program. Applicants with a BSc in (applied) mathematics are often successful!

Unfortunately, you will not be admitted to the Master's program at the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Bonn. You have too little theoretical computer science and mathematics in your bachelor's degree program to be admitted.

Around 98 percent of applicants from these countries are rejected because the curricula of their degree programs or their theses do not meet our requirements. Experience shows that the chances of being accepted are better (above 5 percent) if you have at least two of the following:

  • a bachelor's degree from one of the top 15 universities of your country;
  • a GPA above 3.6 (where 4.0 is the best possible) or 9.4 (where 10.0 is the best possible);
  • an IELTS score of at least 7.5 or a TOEFL score of at least 100;
  • a Master's degree.

For applicants from Bangladesh, India and Pakistan who fulfil at most only one of these criteria, experience shows that the chances of being admitted are well below 1 percent.

You can only be admitted if you have written a scientific thesis during your bachelor's degree program. It could be a manuscript that presents a software design in a scientific context or that uses the software to answer a scientific question. However, the mere documentation of a software design is not sufficient.

With experience in business and industry, you will not stand out from the other applicants and we cannot take your experience into consideration. Please pay close attention to the information given above. If we find it difficult to assess whether you fulfil the admission requirements, we will certainly look at letters of recommendation that assess your experience in teaching and academic research.

Formal Prerequisites

For admission to the Master's degree program in Computer Science or Cyber Security, you must fulfil all of the following formal requirements.

You must have a degree in Computer Science or a related subject that is recognized in Germany as at least equivalent to a bachelor's degree. Related subjects are, for example, cybersecurity, mathematics or business informatics. Subject areas such as physics, electronics, geoinformatics or digital linguistics can also be considered related, depending on how much computer science and mathematics is included in the degree program.

However, a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science is not automatically sufficient. The other requirements on the content of your prior education must also be fulfilled.

You must have earned at least 18 ECTS credit points (equivalent to 0.6 semesters) in modules on, for example, logic, discrete structures, linear algebra, analysis, numerics, stochastics or geometry.

You must have earned a certain minimum number of credits in Theoretical Computer Science. For admission to the Master's program in Computer Science, you need 15 ECTS (0.5 semesters); for admission to the Master's proram in Cyber Security, you need 9 ECTS (0.3 semesters). This requirement refers to modules that teach theoretical foundations. Exercises or labs that accompany lectures count towards this requirement, but practica, internships, theses, and graduation projects do not count.

Please note that most theoretical instruction in a Computer Science program does not count as Theoretical Computer Science! Theoretical Computer Science is a specific branch of Computer Science that includes, among other things: algorithms and data structures (but not programming), automata theory, graph theory, computability, computational complexity, and formal languages.

For admission to the Master's program in Cyber Security, you must have earned at least 24 ECTS credit points (0.8 semesters) in modules in foundations of IT security and human-computer interaction. This requirement refers to modules that teach theoretical foundations. Exercises or labs that accompany lectures count towards this requirement, but practica, internships, theses, and graduation projects do not count. This requirement only applies to admission to the Master's program in Cyber Security; it does not apply to admission to the Master's program in Computer Science.

You must have earned at least 18 ECTS credit points (0.6 semesters) in foundations of programming, software technology and information systems. This requirement refers to modules that teach theoretical foundations. Exercises or labs that accompany lectures count towards this requirement, but practica, internships, theses and graduation projects do not count. This category includes, for example, almost all modules from our Bachelor's degree programmes that do not belong to the other categories, with the exception of modules in the field of computer engineering (that is, the electronics).

You must have written a scientific thesis worth at least 10 ECTS (one third of a semester). The thesis must discuss a scientific question within the context of the scientific literature and answer it in a scientific manner. The manuscript should fulfil the usual formal requirements for scientific publications and generally contain at least 750 lines of text. Program code, input, output, bullet point lists and tables do not count as text. The topic of the work does not have to be from computer science, it may also come from areas outside of computer science.

You must have a command of English at level B2 or higher of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Further down on this page we explain how you should prove this.

You do not need to know German. All modules in the Computer Science program and almost all modules in the Cyber Security program are offered in English — only some elective modules in the Cyber Security program may only be available in German.

Cyber Security and Your Visa

If you need a visa to enter Germany and study here, you should find out about the waiting times for visa appointments before you apply to our master's program. This is particularly important if you are interested in the Cyber Security degree program.

Once you are notified by us that you are admitted to the Master's program in Cyber Security, there are only two months left until the start of the semester. If you have not enrolled by the start of the semester, the letter of admission is no longer valid. Therefore, if you come from a country such as Bangladesh, India or Pakistan, where the waiting times for visa are longer, then you must apply for a Visum zur Studienbewerbung (student applicant visa) long before you apply for our degree program.

How to Apply

If you would like to apply for one of our Master's degree programs, you must upload your application documents to our application portal by the deadline.

The Computer Science and Cyber Security degree programs are only visible in the application portal when the application period is open for certain groups of applicants. As the application deadlines depend on your personal situation, the portal cannot tell you which deadlines apply to you. It is therefore possible that the application portal is still accepting applications while your personal application deadline has already passed and your application can no longer be considered. Please always check our deadlines page to find out which deadlines apply to you before completing the form in the portal.

Below you can read which documents you need to upload with your application. If you have technical problems with the application portal, you can contact the helpdesk at appsupport@ticket.uni-bonn.de. If you have any questions about the content of the application form, you can contact the admissions office at application@informatik.uni-bonn.de.

To the question "have you received a letter of admission from another application process", you should answer "yes" only if you have received a letter of admission for the desired degree programme from the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Bonn in a previous semester. Admission letters from other universities or for other degree programs do not count.

When completing the online application form in the application portal, please always use the grade and credit point system from the transcript of records issued to you by your university. Do not convert your foreign grades and credit points into German grades and credit points!

Please enter the date of the last examination as the (expected) completion date of your bachelor's degree program. Do not enter the date on which your degree certificate is awarded (which is often much later). So usually, you should enter the date on which you submit(ted) your bachelor's thesis or the date on which you give or gave the final presentation.

Please upload your thesis in the original language.

If the thesis is not yet finished by the application deadline, and you are the sole author, you may still apply. However, you must then:

  • upload a summary instead of the finished thesis (see below); 
  • upload a transcription of records that shows steady progress in your studies;
  • upload proof of how many credits you need to obtain in your Bachelor's program in total and how many credits you will obtain for your thesis;
  • send us the completed thesis later, as soon it is finished.

Students with a bachelor's degree from the University of Bonn do not have to upload their theses.

If your thesis is not yet finished, or if it is not written in English, French, or German, you must upload a summary in English, written by yourself (no official translation). The summary should include at least the title page, define the scientific questions you answer in your thesis and discuss relevant scientific literature. In other words, your summary should contain most of the introduction, the related-work section and the bibliography of your thesis.

Students of the University of Bonn do not have to upload a summary.

Your transcript of records should include an explanation of the grading and credit point system.

If you have already started or even completed a Master's degree program, please also enclose the transcript of records for the master's program, even if you did not complete any courses in that program yet.

The transcript(s) of records should show that you have enough credit points in the various areas of the admission requirements. If in doubt, please upload a module handbook of your study program so that we can determine, for example, which modules belong to Theoretical Computer Science.

We know that theses in Iran get fewer credit points than they are worth, and we try to take this into account.

Please upload your bachelor's and, if applicable, your master's degree certificate(s) if you already have them. But don't worry if the certificate is not yet available. In this case, please indicate in the application form when you expect to receive your certificate. You can then submit the certificate later.

We accept as proof:

  • TOEFL iBT, at most two years old, with at least 18 points in all four test areas;
  • TOEFL iBT with at least 95 points, regardless of the test date;
  • Academic IELTS, at most two years old, with at least 5.5 in all four test areas;
  • Academic IELTS at least 7.0, regardless of the test date;
  • a certificate from a secondary school in the European Union that is recognised as an unrestricted university entrance qualification ("allgemeine Hochschulzulassungsberechtigung") in Germany and mentions English as a subject in the final examination with at least a sufficient result;
  • a certificate confirming that you have attended a secondary school or university in one of the following countries for at least three years: Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada (except Quebec), Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, Kiribati, St Kitts-Nevis, Liberia, St Lucia, Mauritius, Micronesia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Sierra Leone, the Solomon Islands, Trinidad & Tobago, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, St Vincent, Zambia, or Zimbabwe.

In all cases, please simply upload a scan of the certificate.

If proof of your English language proficiency is not yet available at the time of application, you can add it to your application later. In that case, please indicate in the form when you will take the test and when you expect to receive the certificate.

Proof of the language of instruction in your previous degree programme will not be accepted as proof of English language proficiency. Even if your entire bachelor's degree program in, for example, Bangladesh, India, or Pakistan was in English, you must submit a TOEFL or IELTS certificate.

Duolingo is not accepted.

Please enter your letter of motivation in the corresponding text field in the online form (at most 4000 characters). Please answer these questions in your letter:

  • Why are you applying for our research-focused program instead of an application-oriented programme?
  • Which special interests, skills and talents qualify you for our research-based Master's programme?
  • Considering our research areas and working groups, please name one or two of our researchers (professors, post-docs, etc.) whom you would eventually like to be your supervisors, and explain why. Try to find a recent research paper by one of these researchers and explain what insights you gained from it.

Upload your CV as a PDF. Your CV should list your educational and professional activities in reverse chronological order (from the present back to the end of high school).

You are also welcome to upload letters of recommendation from academics (professors, lecturers, researchers).

Due to the high number of applications, we usually do not have time for further enquiries. Therefore, if your application raises questions, then your CV, your letter of motivation and your letters of recommendation are the places where we will look for answers.

If you are a student of the Institute of Computer Science or the Mathematical Institute of the University of Bonn already, you do not need to submit a letter of motivation and you should not ask people to write recommendation letters. We know how to interpret your transcript. Letters would not make any difference.

We generally accept documents in English, French and German.

You can currently also submit transcripts of records and certificates in Afrikaans, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish or Swedish with your application. However, if you are admitted, you would still need a translation into English, French or German for enrollment.

If you submit a translated document, you must also submit the document in the original language.

You should submit the thesis in the original language. If that is not English, French or German, you should also submit a summary (see above).

If you have completed your previous education in China, India or Vietnam, you will need a Certificate of Authenticity (Echtheitsbestätigung / APS certificate) of your documents issued by the Academic Acknowledgement Bureau in Beijing (Akademische Prüfstelle in Peking), New Delhi (Akademische Prüfstelle in Neu-Delhi) or Hanoi (Akademische Prüfstelle, Deutsche Botschaft Hanoi). Please see the German embassies' websites for details: Deutsche Botschaft PekingDeutsche Botschaft Neu-Delhi or Deutsche Botschaft HanoiYou do not need to submit the certificate with your application, but if you are accepted, you will need the certificate to get a visa and to enroll.

The following documents are not required and not helpful:

  • Proof of the language of instruction in your previous degree program. It will not be accepted as a proof of English language proficiency!
  • Letters of recommendation from employers outside academia. We do not read them.

Selection and Admission

Here you can find out what happens after you have submitted your application.

If the result of your language test, other examination results or your degree certificate were not yet available at the time of application, you can submit them later. To do this, send an e-mail to application@informatik.uni-bonn.de. We will then explain how you can add the documents to your application.

We will first check whether you have applied within the deadline. Then we check whether you are likely to fulfil the admission requirements for the chosen degree programme by the start of the semester, possibly subject to a positive result of the language test or final examination. When evaluating your application, we only look at the documents that you have submitted. This evaluation is carried out under the responsibility of the examination board and, for foreign applicants, a commission of four professors from the Institute of Computer Science.

If you do not fulfil the admission requirements, if your application is incomplete or if documents that should have been available at the time of application are missing, your application will be rejected. In the application portal, the status of your application will then be changed to: Excluded because not all requirements are met. Much to our regret, due to the high number of applications we receive, we are generally unable to correspond with you about the reasons for rejection.

Please check our page with application deadlines to see when you will hear whether your application has been accepted or rejected.

There is currently no further selection procedure for the Master's degree program in Computer Science: Those who fulfil the admission requirements are admitted (however, experience shows that only around 10 percent of applicants fulfil the admission requirements).

However, on average, there are only ten places available per semester in the Cyber Security Master's degree program. Therefore, a selection procedure takes place here. Even if your application is given the status Valid, you will not automatically be admitted. Applicants who fulfil the admission requirements are ranked according to their qualifications, and the first in the order are offered a place. There are separate selection procedures for nationals of EU member states (including Germany) and for nationals of other countries.

If you are likely to fulfil the admission requirements at the start of the semester and could be offered a place, but still need to submit your completed thesis, examination results or certificates, you will initially only receive an email, to inform you that we can admit you as soon as the required documents have been submitted. This offer is only valid for a limited period of time. The required documents include the final transcript of records for your bachelor's degree program, the bachelor's degree certificate and your proof of English language proficiency. Instead of the degree certificate, we also accept a provisional certificate from your university that states clearly that you fulfil all the requirements to receive your degree.

If you complete your bachelor's degree at the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Bonn and are still waiting for your final certificates, you do not need to submit these, because we have direct access to your records.

As soon as the requirements have been met, all documents have been submitted and, in the case of Cyber Security, a place is available for you, you will receive a letter of admission with further information on how to enrol.

The letter of admission is only valid for the semester for which you have applied. If you are unable to arrive in time to start your studies in this semester, you will have to defer to the next semester.

Deferring to the next semester in the Computer Science program: Please let us know that you intend to take up your studies in a later semester, so that we can keep in touch. In the first month of the semester to which you were admitted, please apply for the next semester through our application portal. Instead of filling out the whole application form again, you can just upload your previous admission letter. In theory, it is possible that, due to a change in regulations, we must re-evaluate your application, but this is very unlikely. Typically, within a year after your original admission, we can always give you an admission letter for the next semester before your admission letter for the current semester expires. 

Deferring to the next semester in the Cyber Security program is not possible. Of course, you could apply for the next semester again, but you would be ranked against the other applicants for the next semester then. Therefore, we have no idea whether you would be admitted again, and we can only tell you approximately two months before the start of the next semester.


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Admissions office
Manager: Dr. Herman Haverkort

Your contact for matters around admission to our programmes.

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Technical helpdesk

Your contact in case of technical problems with the application portal.

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