Universität Bonn

Institute of Computer Science

Electives beyond the module handbook

Would you like to include a module that is not included in the module handbook as an elective in your study programme? On this page you will find out how to go about it.

Modules outside of the module handbook of your degree program must be approved by the examination board. Approval is usually granted provided:

  • The module has an academic level and depth (e.g. no pure language courses).
  • The module has at least the level of your degree program (you cannot get credits for Bachelor's modules in your Master's programme; computer science modules that are intended for students of other subjects usually cannot be approved).
  • The module has no significant overlap with modules offered by the Institute of Computer Science.
  • There is still space for the module in the appropriate elective area (computer science, cyber security, or other subjects) of your course of study. (Attention: the Master's program "Computer Science" does not have any space for electives in other subjects. In the Master's "Computer Science", only modules that are regarded as computer science can be approved.)
  • You are admitted to the exam of the module and the result of the exam will be certified (in BASIS or in another way).

Step by step to the approval of modules beyond the book


Make sure in advance that you can take part in the module and the exam

Clarify with the institute offering the module (not only with the lecturers!) whether you can participate and take the exam and whether you will receive a certificate or a BASIS entry with the result.


Tell us

When the institute that offers the module responds positively, then inform us by e-mail to anerkennung@informatik.uni-bonn.de that you would like to include the module in your degree programme. Please include the following in your mail:

  • your matriculation number,
  • your degree programme and
  • a description of the module you want to take (preferably from the respective module handbook).

We will then evaluate your request.


Submit your application for credits

After we have evaluated your request, you will receive an answer from us by email. If this is positive, you can take the desired module.

After successful participation, you can submit an application to have the credits count towards your degree programme.

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