At the Night of Technology, interested visitors of all ages were able to gain some exciting insights into the work of our Autonomous Intelligent Systems working group and the diverse fields of application of robotics.
The numerous visitors were able to experience hands-on science in the Robotics Lab of our Autonomous Intelligent Systems working group. Young and old alike were able to compete with the humanoid RoboCup world champions in soccer, control the XPRIZE-winning avatar robot themselves, interact with a new household robot or inspect the multimodal DRZ flying robot. Our visitors were even detected by a network of intelligent edge sensors.
But that was not all. The Humanoid Robots working group also represented our institute at the Night of Technology. For example, visitors were able to interact with the Nao robot, play cards against a robot and marvel at current research in the field of smart farming by the PhenoRob Cluster of Excellence. Among other things, it was demonstrated how fruit can be recognized and harvested by robots.
In addition to our robotics, other stations from the fields of Geodetic Engineering, Astronomy, and Transfer Center Enacom of the University of Bonn invited visitors to join in and puzzle around. Prospective students were also given information on the relevant study programs.